Club match (04/11/2017)
Category: Competition
Map/area: Haanja
Organiser: OK Voru
Country: Estonia
Discipline: extra middle
Distance: 8.89 km
Time: 47:54
Average HR: 171
Maximum HR: 192
Club Match individual race. My main race for this weekend. Tried to focus and also push myself to fight all the way. Did a very good race, lost some time during the race, but biggest mistake was to third last and second last controls. Totally mistakes cost me 1'. Timo Sild caught me for 4' on second last control. Overall I got a 3rd place - 4:12 to Timo, 1:36 to Sirmais and won Lauri Sild for 17''.
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Club match (04/11/2017)